<source>Files that have been found by user query</source>
<trans-unit id="sorting_criterion_caption">
<trans-unit id="sort_menu_caption">
<source>by <x id="1" /> <x id="2" /></source>
<trans-unit id="sort_folder_caption">
<source>For folder</source>
<trans-unit id="ascending_caption">
<trans-unit id="descending_caption">
<trans-unit id="sort_default_item">
<trans-unit id="sort_name_item">
<trans-unit id="sort_size_item">
<trans-unit id="sort_time_item">
<trans-unit id="sort_winner_item">
<source>Sync direction</source>
<trans-unit id="tooltip_sort_by_name">
<source>Sort by name</source>
<trans-unit id="tooltip_sort_by_size">
<source>Sort by size</source>
<trans-unit id="tooltip_sort_by_time">
<source>Sort by time</source>
<trans-unit id="tooltip_sort_by_winner">
<source>Sort by direction</source>
<trans-unit id="on_begin_idle_caption">
<source>The synchronizer goes into the idle state</source>
<trans-unit id="on_end_idle_caption">
<source>The synchronizer goes out of the idle state</source>
<trans-unit id="using_idle_scheduler">
<source>When computer is idle</source>
<trans-unit id="using_idle_des_scheduler">
<source>Synchronization will be performed each time user stops keyboard or mouse activity for the specified period of time.</source>
<trans-unit id="using_idle_scheduler_delay">
<trans-unit id="RemovableDrive">
<source>Removable drive</source>
<trans-unit id="RemovePortableDrive">
<source>The device with synchronizer has been removed. Please plug the device to continue the work or press the Cancel button to finish the synchronization.</source>
<trans-unit id="Pr_Bar_Analyzing">
<trans-unit id="Pr_Bar_A_Is_Done">
<source>Analysis done</source>
<trans-unit id="Pr_Bar_Synchronizing">
<trans-unit id="Auto_Sync_Is_On">
<source>Automatic synchronization is on</source>
<trans-unit id="Auto_Sync_Is_Off">
<source>Automatic synchronization is off</source>
<trans-unit id="tooltip_Auto_Sync_Is">
<source>Automatic synchronization status. Use options window to start synchronization on certain conditions automatically</source>
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_PAUSE">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_STOP">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_ANALYZE">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_SYNCHRONIZE">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_RETRY">
<target>Skus znova</target>
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_AUTORETRY">
<source>Auto Retry</source>
<target>Avtomatsko Ponovi</target>
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_IGNORE">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_IGNORE_ALL">
<source>Ignore all discovered warnings and continue</source>
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_CANCEL">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_SKIP">
<trans-unit id="COMMAND_SKIP_ALL">
<source>Skip all discovered errors and continue</source>
<source>Error while copying "<x id="1" />" to "<x id="2" />" using intermediate "<x id="3" />"</source>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_box">
<source>A detailed error report has been created and pasted to the clipboard. You can send it to help us improve the file synchronizer application. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.</source>
<target>Detailna sprava chyb bola vytvorena a vlozena do Clipboardu. Mozete ju poslat a pomoct nam pri zlepsovani aplikacie. Spravu budeme povazovat za dovernu a anonymnu.</target>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_box_yes_no">
<source>Do you want to send the error report now? (Internet connection is required)</source>
<target>Chcete teraz poslat spravu s chybami? (je pozadovane internetove pripojenie)</target>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_reason_path_too_long">
<source><x id="1" />, possible reason: file path is too long.</source>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_file_read">
<source>file read error</source>
<target>chyba citania suboru</target>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_file_write">
<source>file write error</source>
<target>chyba zapisovania suboru</target>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_lic_trial_warn">
<source>The free trial period will be over soon.
Please consider obtaining the Pro version of <x id="1" />.
<trans-unit id="msg_err_lic_trial_over">
<source>The free trial period is over.
Please buy the Pro version or uninstall <x id="1" />.
Note: changing the system time may result in improper file synchronization.
<trans-unit id="msg_err_lic_warn">
<source>Measurements indicate usage in excess of typical personal requirements.
Please consider obtaining the Pro version of <x id="1" />.
<trans-unit id="msg_err_lic_warn_serious">
<source>This is your final reminder. Measurements indicate usage in excess of typical personal requirements. <x id="1" /> may stop working unless you obtain a Pro license key.</source>
<trans-unit id="msg_err_lic_warn_stop">
<source>Measurements indicate usage in excess of typical personal requirements.
Please buy <x id="1" /> Pro or enter the license key if you already have.
You will be able to continue to use the free version when usage statistics for the past 30 days return to moderate levels.
Note: changing the system time may result in improper file synchronization.</source>
<target>Sinhronizacija je uspešno zaključila</target>
<trans-unit id="balloon_message_state">
<source>Click here to see important message(s)</source>
<target>Kliknite tukaj, da vidite pomembno(a) sporo─ìilo(a)</target>
<trans-unit id="hint_Banner_on">
<source>Click to hide the logo</source>
<trans-unit id="hint_Banner_off">
<source>Click to show the logo</source>
<trans-unit id="hint_Winner_Delete_All">
<source>If checked the file will be deleted from all sides</source>
<trans-unit id="hint_Winner_Nothing">
<source>If checked nothing will be done for this file</source>
<trans-unit id="hint_Winner">
<source>If checked this sample of file will define the action</source>
<trans-unit id="wnd_select_folder">
<source>Select Folder</source>
<target>Vyberte Adresar</target>
<trans-unit id="new_association_name">
<source>New Job</source>
<target>Nova Uloha</target>
<trans-unit id="default_profile_name">
<source>Default Profile</source>
<target>Parametre Profilu</target>
<trans-unit id="metric_hours">
<trans-unit id="metric_bytes">
<trans-unit id="metric_Kbytes">
<trans-unit id="metric_Mbytes">
<trans-unit id="m_DaFilesProcessed">
<source>Files processed</source>
<target>Spracovanych Suborov</target>
<trans-unit id="m_DaFilesCopied">
<source>Files copied</source>
<target>Skopirovanych Suborov</target>
<trans-unit id="m_DaBytesProcessed">
<source>Bytes processed</source>
<target>Spracovanych Bytov</target>
<trans-unit id="m_DaBytesCopied">
<source>Bytes copied</source>
<target>Skopirovanych Bytov</target>
<trans-unit id="MM_TrafficSaved">
<source>Estimated traffic saved</source>
<target>Odhadovana prevadzka ukladania</target>
<trans-unit id="MM_TimeSaved">
<source>Estimated time saved</source>
<target>Odhadovany cas ukladania</target>
<trans-unit id="option_global">
<trans-unit id="option_language">
<trans-unit id="o_des_language">
<source>Select the language to use for your interaction with the application.
This selection is applied immediately, without the need to restart the application.
Some text may not be available in a particular language.
Any untranslated text appears in English.
If your language is not listed, or if you see errors in its translation and you want to help by adding a translation for your language, or by providing corrections for it, please see how you can contribute by visiting our web site and clicking the "Translate" link.</source>
<target>Izberite jezik za komunikacijo s programom.
Izbira jezika je uporabljena takoj; programa ni potrebno ponovno pognati.
Če nek tekst ni preveden v izbran jezik, bo prikazan v angleškem jeziku.
Če želite dodati ali popraviti prevod, Vas prosimo, da pogledate na našo domačo WWW stran, kjer
dobite podrobnejša navodila za prevajanje.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_memorize_window_position">
<source>Memorize window position</source>
<target>Zapamatania pozicie okna</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_memorize_window_position">
<source>If checked, window position and
size will be the same next time you start the application</source>
<target>─îe je ozna─ìeno, bo velikost in
lega okna enaka tudi, ko boste naslednji─ì pognali program.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_enable_auto_update">
<source>Automatically check for software updates</source>
<target> Automaticky zistuj novu verziu</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_enable_auto_update">
<source>If you check this option the application connects automatically to our web server about once a week to check if software updates are available.
If an update is available, you will have the option to install the new version or to continue using the current version.
An Internet connection is required for this option to operate.
No personal information is sent to the server.
See the End User License Agreement for details.</source>
<target>─îe je ozna─ìeno, se program pribli┼╛no enkrat tedensko
avtomatsko poveže na razvojni WWW strežnik in Vas obvesti, če je dostopna novejša verzija
programa. Nato se odločite ali instalirate novo verzijo ali pa še naprej uporabljate trenutno
verzijo programa. Potrebna je seveda povezava z internetom. Vaši osebni podatki ne bodo posredovani
na WWW stre┼╛nik. Za podrobnosti si poglejte 'Licenco Kon─ìnega Uporabnika Programa' (EULA).</target>
<trans-unit id="option_start_on_user_login">
<source>Start application system tray icon on system start-up</source>
<target>Spusti taskbar programu pri starte pocitaca</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_start_on_user_login">
<source>If you check this option the application starts automatically when you log on.
The application is represented by a minimized icon in the task bar.
Use this option when automatic synchronization is configured.</source>
<target>Takoj, ko se boste prijavili, se bo program zagnal - videli ga
boste kot majhno ikono v opravilni vrstici. To mo┼╛nost uporabite, kadar je nastavljena
avtomatska sinhronizacija.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_default_browser">
<source>Open links in default browser</source>
<trans-unit id="o_des_option_default_browser">
<source>If the option is checked, the application uses browser set by default in system and Internet Explorer otherwise.</source>
<trans-unit id="items_per_page">
<source>Number of files per page displayed in each group:</source>
<target>Datotek/vrstic na stran</target>
<trans-unit id="presentation_page">
<source>User interface</source>
<target>Uporabniški vmesnik</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_presentation_page">
<source>Configure user interface parameters</source>
<source>Show balloon when synchronization finished successfully</source>
<target>Pokaži balon po uspešno zaključeni sinhronizaciji</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_success_balloon">
<source>A system tray balloon will appear to inform you that background synchronization finishes successfully.</source>
<target>Po uspešnem zaključku sinhronizacije, ki je potekala v ozadju, se nad ikono v sistemskem področju obvestil pokaže balon s sporočilom.</target>
<trans-unit id="failed_balloon">
<source>Show balloon when synchronization failed</source>
<target>Pokaži balon, če sinhronizacija ni uspešna.</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_failed_balloon">
<source>A system tray balloon will appear on any error during background synchronization process.</source>
<target>Ob vsaki napaki, ki se pojavi med sinhronizacijo, ki poteka v ozadju, se nad ikono v sistemskem podro─ìju obvestil poka┼╛e balon s sporo─ìilom.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_full_file_name">
<source>Display full file name</source>
<target>Poka┼╛i celotno ime datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_full_file_name">
<source>Full file and folder names will be displayed. Uncheck this flag to save space in the analysis result area.</source>
<target>Prikazana bodo celotna imena datotek in map. Odzna─ìite kvadratek, ─ìe ┼╛elite prihraniti prostor pri prikazu rezultatov analize.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_banner_show">
<source>Show logo in the profile window</source>
<trans-unit id="o_des_banner_show">
<source>If the option is checked, the program logo is displayed in the profile window.</source>
<trans-unit id="option_skin">
<trans-unit id="o_des_skin">
<source>Select the skin to use in the application's user interface.
This selection is applied immediately, without the need to restart the application.</source>
<source>Specify where the log messages should be streamed to</source>
<trans-unit id="option_visible_events_count">
<source>Items in log window: </source>
<target>Število obvestil v oknu dnevnika dogodkov</target>
<trans-unit id="option_save_events">
<source>Save log in file</source>
<target>Shrani dnevnik dogodkov v datoteko</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_option_save_events">
<source>If this option is checked all log messages will be saved in the following file: [Current User Application Data]\Sync App Settings\_SYNCAPP\default.log. Specify maximum size of the log file in megabytes. Larger file will be truncated.</source>
<target>─ìe je ta opcija ozna─ìena, bodo vsi zapisi shranjeni v slede─ìo datoteko: [Current User Application Data]\Sync App Settings\_SYNCAPP\default.log.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_file_size_events">
<source>Max log file size, Mb: </source>
<target>Najve─ìja velikost datoteke dnevnika dogodkov, Mb</target>
<trans-unit id="option_severity_events">
<source>Log conciseness</source>
<target>Zgoščenost dnevnika dogodkov</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_option_severity_events">
<source>Select how important a message should be to be displayed in the log window.</source>
<target>Izberite, kako obširno naj se sporočilo prikaže v oknu dnevnika dogodkov.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_severity_level_1">
<trans-unit id="option_severity_level_2">
<trans-unit id="option_severity_level_3">
<source>Warnings and Errors only</source>
<target>Samo upozorila in napake</target>
<trans-unit id="option_severity_level_4">
<source>Errors only</source>
<target>Samo napake</target>
<trans-unit id="option_show_events">
<source>Show event log window</source>
<target>Poka┼╛i okno dnevnika dogodkov</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_option_show_events">
<source>Show event log window at the bottom of the profile window. Select maximum number of messages displayed in the log window. When this number is exceeded the older messages will be truncated.</source>
<target>Poka┼╛i okno dnevnika dogodkov na dnu glavnega okna.</target>
<target>Kliknite za nastavitve lastnosti posla</target>
<trans-unit id="option_scheduler">
<source>Automatic Synchronization</source>
<target>Automaticka Synchronizacia</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_scheduler">
<source>Select condition(s) for starting synchronization automatically.</source>
<trans-unit id="o_des_form_scheduler">
<source>Select condition(s) for starting synchronization.
The application must be running in order to start synchronization automatically (unless the "Use Windows Task Scheduler" option is enabled).
Automatic synchronization jobs are not started when a manual analyze/synchronize session is in progress.</source>
<trans-unit id="option_caption_scheduler">
<source>Set conditions to start synchronization automatically</source>
<trans-unit id="drive_connected_scheduler">
<source>When removable device is connected</source>
<target>Ked je pripojene odpojitelne zariadenie</target>
<trans-unit id="drive_connected_des_scheduler">
<source>Use this option when one or more of the sync folders in this job are on a removable USB device (USB drive, digital camera, MP3 player, flash card reader, etc.).
Synchronization is performed automatically - just insert the device into a USB port.
No other interaction is required!
Note: this option does not detect when network drives are connected.</source>
<target>To mo┼╛nost uporabite, ─ìe je v tem poslu ena od map, ki se
sinhronizirajo, USB prenosna enota (USB pogon, digitalna kamera, MP3 player, ─ìitalec flash kartic itd).
Sinhronizacija bo izvedena avtomatsko brez klikanja: USB prenosno enoto samo vstavite v USB port.
Pripomba: ta možnost ne pride v poštev v primeru mrežnih pogonov.</target>
<source>The application automatically checks for file changes at the indicated frequency.
The application analyzes the folders defined for the synchronization job to determine how they have changed.
Detected changes are automatically propagated to the partner synchronization folder(s).
To minimize the impact of the application on system performance choose the largest time interval possible, consistent with your requirements.</source>
<target>Program bo avtomatsko preverjal spremembe datotek
po zaklju─ìku dolo─ìene ─ìasovne periode od zadnjega preverjanja.
─îe se datoteke razlikujejo, se bo posel za─ìel s sinhronizacijo.
Nastavite čim daljšo periodo, da bo vpliv na delo oziroma zmogljivosti sistema čim manjši.</target>
<trans-unit id="1_min">
<target>1 minuty</target>
<trans-unit id="2_min">
<source>2 minutes</source>
<target>2 minuty</target>
<trans-unit id="3_min">
<source>3 minutes</source>
<target>3 минуты</target>
<trans-unit id="5_min">
<source>5 minutes</source>
<target>5 minuty</target>
<trans-unit id="10_min">
<source>10 minutes</source>
<target>10 minut</target>
<trans-unit id="15_min">
<source>15 minutes</source>
<target>15 минут</target>
<trans-unit id="20_min">
<source>20 minutes</source>
<target>20 минут</target>
<trans-unit id="25_min">
<source>25 minutes</source>
<target>25 минут</target>
<trans-unit id="30_min">
<source>30 minutes</source>
<target>30 minut</target>
<trans-unit id="45_min">
<source>45 minutes</source>
<target>45 минут</target>
<trans-unit id="hour">
<trans-unit id="3_hour">
<source>3 hours</source>
<target>3 hodiny</target>
<trans-unit id="6_hour">
<source>6 hours</source>
<target>6 hodin</target>
<trans-unit id="day">
<trans-unit id="week">
<trans-unit id="month">
<trans-unit id="using_WTS_scheduler">
<source>Use Windows Task Scheduler</source>
<target>Pouzit Windows Task Scheduler ["configure" button]</target>
<trans-unit id="using_WTS_des_scheduler">
<source>The Windows Task Scheduler provides highly customizable scheduling options by means of a dialog that lets you set up daily, weekly, and monthly synchronization jobs and much more.
Press the "Configure" button to launch a dialog that lets you add a new scheduled task and define the parameters for that task.
The Windows Task Scheduler runs the application at the specified time as a separate process.
This means that you don't need to keep the application running constantly in order benefit from automatic synchronization.
Note: due to operating system security settings, this option may not work on systems for which the user log on password is not defined.</source>
<target>WTS ima zelo prilagodljive dialoge planiranja poslov, kjer lahko nastavite dnevno, tedensko, mesečno sinhronizacijo, pa tudi še kaj več.
Pritisnite gumb "Oblikuj" in dodajte v plan nov posel ter postavite parametre sinhronizacije.
V izbranem ─ìasu bo WTS zagnal program kot lo─ìen proces.
To pomeni, da vam programa ni potrebno stalno poganjati, da bi se avtomatska sinhronizacija za─ìela.
Pripomba: Glede na varnostne nastavitve sistema ta opcija mogo─ìe nekaterih sistemih ne bo delovala, ─ìe geslo uporabnika ni postavljeno.</target>
<trans-unit id="WTS_button_scheduler">
<trans-unit id="option_filters">
<source>Inclusion and Exclusion Filters</source>
<trans-unit id="o_des_page_filters">
<source>Choose files and folders to be synchronized.</source>
<target>Izberite datoteke in mape za sinhronizacijo.</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_filters">
<source>Choose files and folders to be synchronized. In order to be synchronized a file must
match the inclusion filters and do not match the exclusion filters.</source>
<target>Izberite datoteke in mape za sinhronizacijo. Da bi bila datoteka sinhronizirana, se mora ujemati
s filtrom za vklju─ìitev in se ne sme ujemati s filtrom za izklju─ìitev.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_permition_filter">
<source>Inclusion Filters</source>
<target>Inclusion Filtre</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_permition_filter">
<source>Only files that match at least one of these filters are included in synchronization.
If the inclusion filter list is empty, all files are included.</source>
<trans-unit id="option_exclusion_filter">
<source>Exclusion Filters</source>
<trans-unit id="o_des_exclusion_filter">
<source>Files and folders that match at least one of these filters are excluded from synchronization.</source>
<trans-unit id="option_file_filter">
<source>File Name Filter</source>
<target>Filter suborov</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_file_filter">
<source>Select the file name or a file mask for this filter.
File paths you specify are relative to the synchronization folder root.
Examples: "\file1.doc" - file1.doc in the root of the synchronization folder,
"*.mp3" - all MP3 files,
"\My Pictures\Summer 2005" - the entire content of the folder \My Pictures\Summer 2005,
"\*\*" - all files in subfolders.
Note: do not use complete (absolute) file/folder paths - specifications must be relative to the root of the synchronization folder.</source>
<target>Izberite ime ali tip datoteke za ta filter.
Lahko uporabite relativno pot datoteke glede na korensko mapo sinhronizacije.
Na primer: "\datoteka1.doc" - datoteka1.doc v korensk mapi sinhronizacije,
"*.mp3" - vse MP3 datoteke,
"\Moje slike\Leto 2005" - vsa vsebina mape "\Moje slike\Leto 2005",
"\*\*" - vse datoteke v podmapah.
Pripomba: ne pišite polne (absolutne) poti datotek/map. Specifikacija mora biti relativna glede na korensko sinhronizacijsko mapo.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_attribute_filter">
<source>File Attribute Filter</source>
<target>Filter atributov suboru</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_attribute_filter">
<source>Select specific file attributes for this filter.
Only files and folders that have the specified attributes match the filter specification.</source>
<target>Izberite to─ìno dolo─ìene lastnosti datotek za ta filter.
Le datoteke in mape z izbranimi lastnostmi bodo obdelane.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_read_only_attribute">
<source>Read only</source>
<target>Len citat (Read only)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_archive_attribute">
<target>Archivovat (Archive)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_hidden_attribute">
<target>Skryty (Hidden)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_system_attribute">
<target>Systemovy (System)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_compressed_attribute">
<target>Skompresovany (Compressed)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_encrypted_attribute">
<target>Zasifrovany (Encrypted)</target>
<trans-unit id="option_attribute_switch_any">
<trans-unit id="option_attribute_switch_on">
<trans-unit id="option_attribute_switch_off">
<trans-unit id="option_apply_to">
<source>Apply to</source>
<target>Uporabi na</target>
<trans-unit id="option_status">
<source>File status</source>
<target>Status datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_option_status">
Select file status as assigned by the synchronization algorithm. For instance, if
you check "Deleted" all deleted files and folders will match the filter. </source>
Izberite status datoteke po uporabljenem sinhronizacijskem algoritmu. Na primer, ─ìe
ozna─ìite "Zbrisano", bodo vse zbrisane datoteke in mape vklju─ìene v filter.</target>
<trans-unit id="option_modification_time">
<source>File modification time</source>
<target>─ìas spremembe datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_modification_time">
<source>Select file modification time range.</source>
<target>Izberite ─ìasovni razpon spremembe datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="option_file_size">
<source>File size</source>
<target>velkost suboru</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_file_size">
<source>Select file size range</source>
<target>Izberite razpon spremembe velikosti datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="option_files_and_folders">
<source>Files and folders</source>
<target>Datoteke in mape</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_files_and_folders">
<source />
<target />
<trans-unit id="option_files_only">
<source>Files only </source>
<target>Le datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_files_only">
<source />
<target />
<trans-unit id="option_folders_only">
<source>Folders only</source>
<target>Le mape</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_folders_only">
<source />
<target />
<trans-unit id="option_folders_and_mask">
<source>Files in subfolders</source>
<target>Datoteke in podmape</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_folders_and_mask">
<source />
<target />
<trans-unit id="option_new_status">
<trans-unit id="option_changed_status">
<trans-unit id="option_deleted_status">
<trans-unit id="option_no_status">
<source>Nothing matches the status specification(s)</source>
<target>Ni─ì ne odgovarja specifikaciji statusa</target>
<source>Delay in seconds before automatic retry</source>
<target>─ìakanje pred ponovnim avtomatskim poskusom</target>
<trans-unit id="o_des_wait_before_retry">
<source>Period of time before next retry attempt.</source>
<target>Opis ─ìakanja pred ponovnim avtomatskim poskusom</target>
<trans-unit id="auto_retry_caption">
<source>Automatic retry after <x id="1" /> seconds</source>
<trans-unit id="check_remove_files">
<source>Propagate deletions</source>
<target>Identi─ìno brisanje datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="hint_check_remove_files">
<source>Files and folders deleted on the source side are also deleted on the target side after synchronization. You should perform complete synchronization at least once to make this option work correctly.
<trans-unit id="check_overwrite_files">
<source>Propagate modifications</source>
<target>Identi─ìne spremembe lastnosti datoteke</target>
<trans-unit id="hint_check_overwrite_files">
<source>Files and folders modified on the source side are overwritten on the target side after synchronization.
<target>Datoteke in mape, ki so spremenjene na izvirni strani, bodo po sinhronizaciji prav tako spremenjene na ciljni strani. Pozor! Bodite pazljivi pri tej izbiri. Prepisanih datotek se ne more uporabiti za obnovo prejšnjih verzij datotek!</target>
<trans-unit id="job_caption_list">
<trans-unit id="job_caption_ord_list">
<trans-unit id="job_des_ord_list">
<source>Reorder jobs if necessary</source>
<target>Spremenite zaporedje izvajanja poslov, ─ìe je to potrebno</target>
<source>Synchronization activated by "before log out" option is in progress. Please wait till the application exits automatically when synchronization is done.</source>
<trans-unit id="dlg_logout_cancel_sync">
<source>Cancel and log out</source>
<target>Prekini program in nadaljuj odjavo</target>